Wednesday, January 1, 2014

I Love Ham Radio

Dear Ham Radio, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways

  1. The excitement of working a rare DXCC entity
  2. The rush of a good QSO run in a contest
  3. The camaraderie of the (mostly) wonderful ham community
  4. Hearing a familiar voice on the repeater
  5. Randomly working a friend down the road on HF
  6. The joy and eagerness of the new hams
  7. The wisdom and guidance of the old hams (like Gandalf guiding the dwarves); thank you all, you know who you are!
  8. Successfully locating the fox
  9. Slowly turning the dial to compensate for Doppler effect
  10. Learning about propagation
  11. Learning about electronics and RF design
  12. Building new equipment
  13. Fixing old equipment
  14. Building antennas
  15. Logbook of the World
  16. PSK-31
  17. Hamfests!


Anonymous said...

I love it too! Can I get a LoTW qsl from you for qso on 18NOV13 at 1742-1746Z PSK31 for WAS.
Thx & 73,
Norm KC7RG

N1YWB said...

I'll double check but I'm pretty sure I've already upped all my PSK31 logs, which means you may not be in the log. Sorry.

N1YWB said...

BTW VT QSO party is Feb 1&2, should be some VT stations on.