Tuesday, January 7, 2014

How to Make QSO Maps from your Ham Radio Logs Part 4/5

Now lets change the map to help us see which countries we worked. Go to the "Vector Menu", "Analysis" sub menu, "Points in Polygons". For the "Input polygon" layer select the basemape, in this case "ne_110m_admin...". For the "Input point layer" select "QSO Points". Click "browse" and specify a location to save the new data file. You should see something like

Click OK and wait a few seconds. When asked if you like to add the new layer to the TOC, click Yes, then close the Count Points window.

Uncheck the box next to the old basemap layer to hide it, and move the qso countries layer down to the bottom of the list.

Now right click "qso countries", go to "Properties", and "Style". Change "Single Symbol" to "Graduated" . Change "Column" to PNTCNT. Set "Color ramp" to "temp-c". Set "Classes" to 10. Set "Mode" to "Natural Breaks". You should see something like this:

I don't like that brown color for zero, double click on it and change it to a medium grey and click OK. Your map should now look like this

Congratulations, your map now represents QSO time by line color and QSOs per country by country color!

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